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Teleportation - Billy Meier Contact 111


Performancing Metrics


By Kåre Bergheim

22nd of September  2014

  • Introduction
  • Wendelle Stevens account of contact 111
  • The tele-transmitter device
  • The so-called beaming
  • Contact 111, 17July1978


A perhaps lesser known teleportation event took place on the 17th of July 1978. It is an event not as well documented as other teleportation event because none of the two witnesses wrote witness statements of what happened. The two were Jakobus Bertschinger and Elsi Moser. They were that day escorting Billy Meier out to the contact site .Billy Meier had become very ill and it was later revealed that he was in fact close to death from Pneumonia. In Bertschinger’s blue Vokswagen sedan the three of them drove that day to a remote wooded spot nearby following the direction from by Billy.


When they arrived at the remote location Billy walked out of the car and down towards the woods. But before he came to the woods he fainted and fell to the ground. And before the Elsie and Jacobus could react to this, Billy had disappeared completely. According to the contact notes of the contact which then followed, contact 111, the extra-terrestrials used their teleport device to transport Billy inside their ship, which explained his sudden disappearance from the ground where he fainted and fell.


The extra-terrestrials had kept Billy under close observation and when they saw him faint and fall to the ground they took immediate action and performed medical treatment to save his life. They told him that had they not performed the medical treatment on him inside the ship he would have been dead within 5-6 hours. After the treatment Billy quickly regained his strength and from inside the beam ship he called Elsi and Jakobus on the ground using his walkie talkie directing them where to drive to pick him up.  


Wendelle Stevens arrived in Switzerland only a week after this happened and got a fresh account of what took place which he also detailed in his first book UFO contact from the Pleiades a preliminary investigation report.(1978). Stevens noted that Billy was in good health when he saw him, which was a week later.  Then, on the 6th of August 1978 while Stevens still was in Switzerland he experienced a teleportation event first hand himself, the famous contact 113. A contact which is well documented and which I have detailed here  and here       



Wendelle Stevens account of contact 111 on the 17th of July 1978

Reference: UFO contact from the Pleiades a preliminary investigation report.(1978) page 240-241

Wendelle Stevens:

‘’ Proceeding on two hours later, I arrived in Zurich about 18:00 and was met at the railroad banhof by Eduard Meier and Jacobus Bertschinger, and we drove directly to the Meier home in Hinterschmidruti.


I spent the next day catching up from my ‘’jet-lag’’ from the trip and generally renewing acquaintances with many of the Meier friends who arrived to perform various tasks around the Semjase Silver Star Center property. I was told that ‘’Billy’’ Meier had been very ill only the week before my arrival and close to death from Pneumonia. His friends insisted on taking him to a doctor but he refused. He was so ill that they knew that something must be done – and very soon.


When he became so weak he couldn’t hold a glass, he asked Ms. Elsie Moser and Jacobus Bertschinger to take him in the car. They prepared him and all but carried him out to Bertschinger’s blue Volkswagen sedan. Meier gave them directions and they drove to a remote wooded spot nearby as he directed. It was near 08:30 on Monday the 17th of July 1978.


They helped him out of the car and down toward the woods but he insisted they stay near the car and he staggered down the hill alone. Before he made it to the woods, however, he fainted and fell to the ground. Before Elsie and Jacobus could react to this – there was a flash of bluish light and Meier was gone. He had disappeared completely! But, conditioned as they were to such things, they accepted the fact that the Pleiadians had taken charge.


Eduard Meier was in fact, at that time, transported aboard Semjase’s spacecraft where Semjase and Quetzal used strange instruments on his plural area and drained a considerable amount of pus and liquid from his chest. They told him that a half hour more and he would have died from the infection and they chided him about not seeking medical attention earlier. They told him that they had taken care of the immediate problem but that he should have proper medication for recovery


From aboard the spacecraft, he called the car on his walkie-talkie and told the two friends to drive to a different spot. When thy got there they were called again and given still another sport to go to. To anyone else this would have been a disturbing state of affairs. Their friend has disappeared in a flash of blue light and now they are being instructed to drive away from the spot and he is still missing. They willingly complied however, and when they arrived at the third spot Meier came walking sprightly out of the woods and smiling, got in the car and they drove home.


Where they had had to hold his head up for the drive to the first pint, he was now sitting erect in the front seat and apparently quite healthy. The grey color in his face and the deep sunken appearance of his eyes was almost gone. They noticed, peculiarly, that when he came out of the woods his shirt was soaking wet. No explanation was offered. The whole contact had taken only a little over 20 minutes. He looked in excellent health but a little tired when I first saw him several days later.’’



This is a short film clip from 1979, made about two years into the investigation, where Wendelle Stevens gives a brief introduction about the Meier case. When he arrived in Switzerland on the 25th of July 1978 Stevens was informed about the teleportation event which took place a week earlier. Billy Meier was then taken on board a Pleiadian beam ship for urgent medical treatment after he collapsed to the ground at a remote area he had been driven to by Jakobus and Elsi for the purpose of meeting up with the extra-terrestrials for a contact. When Stevens arrived he noticed that Meier had recovered from the serious Pneumonia infection he had on the week before, on the 17th of July 1978, which was the day contact 111 took place and the day the medical treatment was performed. 13 days after this, Wendelle Stevens, while still in Switzerland became himself a witness to a teleportation event. This was when contact 113 on the 6th of August 1978 took place. Details of that contact here  and here  




Jakobus Bertschinger was the driver who drove Billy Meier to the remote location where contact 111 took place.  Elsi Moser followed in the car as a passenger. Shortly after Meier had walked out of the car, he fainted to the ground and vanished without a trace. They waited there until Billy Meier contacted Jakobus through the walkie-talkie from on board the Pleiadian craft. From there Billy Meier directed Jakobus where to drive to pick him up.

Still from the Video CONTACT (1982)




Elsi Moser, a school teacher from Niederglatt in Switzerland. She was a passenger in the car driven by Jakobus Bertschinger which took Billy Meier to the remote location where contact 111 took place. Still from the video CONTACT (1982)



The tele-transmitter device

Reference: The book “Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums… Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren” (1997) by Billy Meier. Dokumentaton  p.151-152


Time and again witnesses were able to observe how Billy all of a sudden at a place simply disappeared without a trace, or simply again reappeared, like as though out from nowhere. Billy here writes that this normally happened when the Pleiadians/Plejaren brought him into their space ship or brought him back again. This involved a transport method of controlled transmission, which was carried out with the help of a tele-transmitter machine.


By this processes is a human (also an object etc.) disintegrates lightning-quick molecular wise and time less on one place for in the same fraction of a second to materialize again on another location, something which however only can be applied within a distance of one third of a light second (99 930,819 333 kilometre). Billy was one time taken away directly from the shed roof, by this transport method, where he was repairing the roof structure together with several other men. Whereby this incident naturally caused some sensation among those persons who for the first time experienced his disappearance in this way, Billy adds.


Another time, Billy was in his office and he had the door and all windows closed from the inside because he was expecting extra-terrestrial visit. Instead of being visited by the Pleiadians/Plejarens in the office, he was brought directly into the space ship by the teleport beam. However, after the contact, he did not land in his office as he had expected but in the hallway of the residential building, namely directly in front of the very eyes of a former group member who became completely stunned. And a few activates followed in order to get into the office again since his office of course was still closed, and besides the key was inserted from the inside, while a spare key did not exist,. The only way which remained was to break open the door with force.


Furthermore, photo evidence also exists with Billy’s footsteps in deep snow, which simply lead from the middle of a field out to a road, without leading further into the field. This because he was simply set off in the middle of the field by teleport beam for demonstration purposes, (photo evidence),


Billy was another time on board the space ship during a contact while Jacobus Bertschinger was on a small road in the middle of a field, waiting for him in his VW. Billy then suddenly appeared as out of nowhere in front of his car, something which gave Jakobus quite a scare, although he already long ago had become accustomed to such things. There are still many such examples to be cited, but this small listing ought to be sufficient in this matter.


The so-called beaming

Referece:  The book “Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums… Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren” (1997) by Billy Meier. Das sogenante Beamen p.253


Beaming is a high-technological extension of a controlled transmission which is performed and controlled by tele-transmitter-machines. This is a form of transmission modelled after the consciousness-spiritual created teleportation of a body, in a similar way it is portrayed in science fiction films, whereby in truth the process of the de- and re-materialisation happen without the flickering energy effect, and tremendously faster than what is portrayed in the science-fiction-beaming-process in movies.


A de- and re-materialisation happen faster than lightening, consequently by beaming no process resp. no effect can be observed at all, not even if such a process was filmed and replayed with a trillion fold deceleration (slow motion). This form of transmission is however not only limited to humans, but also items or space ships etc. can be beamed by this technology. Humans, items, or spaceships etc. vanish into thin air without a trace so to speak, through beaming in normal space, only to turn up and reappear at destination at the same time, like out of nowhere, with a likewise incredible speed. This type of beaming is by the Pleiadians/Plejarans a common and daily applied method for the transport of people and materials etc.




A pleiadian beam ship like this one is fitted with a teleportation device which makes it possible to transport both humans and items to and from the craft. This is photo number 157 and it shows the underside of a pleiadian space craft 7 meter or 23 feet in diameter. The craft is piloted by Semjase and she is doing a demonstration flight.

The photo is taken by  <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier at Hasenböl-Langenberg above Fischenthal, Switzerland on the 29th of March 1976.




Billy Meier always carried a walkie-talkie when he went for contact so that he could radio the exact location where he needed to be picked up after the contact had ended since the pick-up location often could be kilometres away from where he entered the craft. Sometimes he entered the craft by teleportation while the craft was still in the air. This happened during several contacts and also during contact 111, on the 17th July 1978. After he was teleported on board the ship where he receiving urgent medical treatment from the extra-terrestrials, he contacted Jakobus by walkie talkie while still inside the ship. From above he gave Jakobus (with the call sign Miranos 3) real time directions of where to drive his car to reach the place where they would set him down after the contact. See the walkie-talkie conversation which took place during contact 111 below.

Still from CONTACT (1982)




Wila is one of the locations mentioned in the radio conversation where Billy Meier gave Jakobus directions of where to drive his car to pick him up while he was still inside in the Pleiadan space craft above. Wila is located several kilometres from Schmidruti.

Foto: K.Bergheim



Contact 111, 17 July 1978

Jakobus Bertschinger and Elsi Moser helped Billy Meier out of the car and down toward the woods but he insisted they stay near the car and he staggered down the hill alone. Before he made it to the woods, however, he fainted and fell to the ground. Before Elsie and Jacobus could react to this, Billy had disappeared completely. He had been teleported aboard Semjase’s spacecraft where Semjase and Quetzal used strange instruments on his plural area and drained a considerable amount of pus and liquid from his chest. After the medical treatment had been performed Billy is laying in coma inside the ship. This is where the conversation starts in contact 111.


Ref Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 3 (2004)

Einhundertelfter Kontakt Montag, 17. Juli 1978, 8.03 uhr.

My English translation above the German original.



1. … finally wake up.        

2. Friend, dear friend, just come on, come… 



1. Don't be so concerned, he will soon come out of his coma.  

2. As incomprehensible as it is, it is in fact going away.



3. Sure?               

4. You don’t want to just comfort me?  

5. After all he is still very severely injured.        



3. Really, do not be worried.       

4. Look ... he is waking up.            

5. - - Finally, there you are.          

6. You have caused us concern, my friend


Billy:  Aahhh, man - - - This crap.              



7. Look, Semjase, he is already doing quite well.             

8. He is again able to swear like a trooper.          



6. My friend, Billy, just what are you doing?       

7. How do you feel?       



Eh? - - - Oh, ah, it is going …       



8. You are quite severely ill.      



But somehow, it goes on - - - I saw myself soon in the eternal hunting grounds. Oh man, this sweat, it is disgusting.      



9. You amaze me.           

10. You were just lying in the deepest coma, and now you are already fully conscious without a transitional period.

11. I would also like to have your constitution of your will.         



I see, yes of course I collapsed in the forest. I became terribly sick all of a sudden, then I saw some stars, and then an amusing fireworks - probably the legendary fire in Holland. After that, everything went in a flash: everything became beautiful like a paradise, and then, I sank into a bright blue sea. Then, there was quite simply nothing more. I had propably passed out in the forest below, right?



12. So it was, that is right.           

13. But you were not too far away from no longer returning to this life.                

14. In any case, you would not have survived more than five to six hours more.               

15. Your lungs and your pleura were inflamed like a sea of flames.         


16. In addition, you suffered from severe shortness of breath, due to the inflammation of the lungs and the pleura.    

17. Added to this was the fact that your nerves were in very vicious turmoil and in addition multiplied the illness effects.                

18. Also your heart was therefore affected by this and worked very irregularly.



It could probably not have been that bad because I feel rather well again.         



9. Quetzal brought you into our ship with the porter (short for teleporting device), examined you very closely, and diagnosed you by the use of the apparatuses here.

10. There are therefore no doubts about his diagnosis.                

11. He was also the one who connected you to this regeneration device, in order to eliminate the most dangerous illness effects.               

12. That is why you feel very much better now.                

13. The moisture drain noticed by you, which you call sweat, also rests in the treatment given to you, and it will still continue to last for approximately one hour.    



That is splendid indeed. Thank you very much for this.                



19. You are still not back to being completely healthy again, you should know that.       

20. But I cannot provide you with any more treatment because that could produce harmful consequences to your body.                

21. Thus next you need to nurse yourself back to health or see a doctor.             

22. Above all, within the next few days, you should see to it that you breathe a lot of fresh and healthy air, get a lot of sleep, and go for many walks.   



14. Please follow Quetzal's advice because it is of importance for your health.

15. And in the future, please be kinder with your health and no longer make yourself sick through worries and problems.                

16. That, namely, is the main reason why the illness could infect you, for your nerves were completely in tatters, as Quetzal determined.

17. He also found out that the reason for this was due to the concerns that you mentioned on last Sunday during our conversation, when we talked about the deplorable conditions in the group.


18. Unfortunately, we have still not been able to find a solution regarding this, but up to now, we have come so far as that we have recognized that you really are not able to bear the mental stress anymore.

19. The leadership of the group in all matters is too much for one person on his own and in addition is everything something like a miracle, as you would say to this, that you were able to do it at all and   to persevere for such a long time.                

20. Simply too much had been expected of you.                


21. We now also understand that you no longer can continue in this regard and that a change must take place.                

22. But how this change should look like, we do not know yet, because it truly  confronts us with a very big problem, because in your group, there is no one who could take over this difficult task even only halfway.           



You have certainly made quite an enormous change of heart in yourselves. Is that also the opinion of Ptaah and the others?               



23. That is correct.          



Aha, how sensible people you are.



23. Just bring forth your mockery with us; that is to say we have namely honestly deserved it.

24. But on the other hand, you should take into consideration that we are not super humans or super men and that also we still constantly need to learn, which we also often in many cases only can do through committed mistakes.               


25. But on the other hand, however, the Earth human beings still pose serious and in parts very severe problems for us in their whole way in which they are thinking and acting, whereby we time and again are misled, and through this, we are also inevitably making wrong decisions and have false views.



In fact, I am really not blaming you, girl. Sometimes one is just driven to express oneself in mockery.



24. That is of correctness; that is namely often that way with us too.      



Aha, so then you are somehow real human beings after all. But tell me: what do you actually want from me? After all, you have not brought me here for nothing, right?   



26. You called for me in a rather distressful way.             

27. That is why we came, without, however, inspecting beforehand why you called me.              

28. That is why we led you so far away.

29. If we had found through an inspection that you were so badly affected by illness, then we would have taken you away directly at home with the porter (short for teleporting device).               

30. However, we recognized the things only when you collapsed in the forest down there.        

31. Unfortunately all your thoughts were blocked, which is why we were not able to analyse these either.



I should have called you? But, I know nothing about that, my child.       



25. Then it must have been an unconscious consequence, perhaps in a delirium.            



That is probably the crux of the matter.               



32. However, you should not speak so much, rather you should proceed back home again and rest.



Then let me down. Jacobus and Elsi are down there and waiting for me. The two will soon take me home.         



26. It is better if we set you down over there, for as you can see, two men are coming along the forest road there.

27. You have your voice transmission device with you, thus inform your friends that they should pick you up over there.



Okay … – – – Miranos 3 – – – Miranos 3.


Miranos 3:

(speaking Swiss-German dialect)

Yest I am here, Miranos 1.        



(speaking Swiss-German dialect)

Jakobus, drive across to Schalche and then towards Wila.   




(speaking Swiss-German dialect)

I did not fully understand you. Via Schalche and then?  



(speaking Swiss-German dialect)

Drive via Schalche and then the road towards Wila  




(speaking Swiss-German dialect)

I understand. Across to Schalche. We are coming.




(speaking Swiss-German dialect)

Good, I will then call you again.



33. Your native language is still not understandable to me.        



Even I do not understand it sometimes either. There are so many dialects.        



28. Once I have set you down, then keep moving and do not just stand still at the spot,  otherwise, you will fall asleep right away.

29. I had to anesthetize your nerves, so they are now like they are sleeping and react very sluggishly.



Oh, and how long will then this condition continue?     



30. About 12 to 14 days, because only in this way will the nerves regenerate in a short time.     



So, how did you perform this anaesthesia?        



31. Through electromagnetic influences.



So to speak, a bombardment?  



32. That is approximately of correctness.            

33. But look, your friends are already driving along the road there.        

34. Tell them that they should turn left at the road there and stop near the fence.         



(Speaking Swiss-German dialect)

Okay … Good, Jacobus, drive straight into the road to the left there.  


Miranos 3:

(Speaking Swiss-German dialect)

The right one there? 




(Speaking Swiss-German dialect)

No, straight into the left one there.       


Miranos 3:

(Speaking Swiss-German dialect)            

The left, good.



(Speaking Swiss-German dialect)

…Yes, now drive back this road. … now drive still further back … good, yes, stop right there by Haag. … Yes, good. I will then come there.

(Speaks to Quetzal in German)

So, Quetzal, now you can let me down; the area is… no, look there; once again, people are coming.

(Speaks Swiss-German dialect to Jakobus:)

Jacobus, I will be there in about a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes.


Miranos 3:

(Speaking Swiss-German dialect)            

Good, in a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes..           



34. I will set you down over there in the forest clearing near the house.              



Very well. Then I can call Jacobus by radio again, then he can pick me up over there. I would not like to walk so far, I somehow still feel weak and worn out.



35. That will also continue for a few more days. 

36. So now, I will set you down.                  

37. Be careful that you do not slip when touching down, the ground down there is somewhat damp.

38. Goodbye my friend, and be very careful with yourself.           

39. I will come back tomorrow or on Wednesday, because by then, we should be able to have advice for you.    

40. Goodbye.



Good-bye, Quetzal, and very many thanks for your effort and help. You too, dear girl, thank you so much, and goodbye.                  



35. Farewell, and pay close attention to yourself.             



Bye-bye together, and once again, very dear thanks.      




German Original

Kontakt 111, 17 Juli 1978


Unter Bezugnahme auf Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 3 (2004)

Einhundertelfter Kontakt Montag, 17. Juli 1978, 8.03 uhr



1. … wach doch endlich auf.

2. Freund, lieber Freund, so komm doch, komm …



1. Sei nicht so sehr besorgt, sein Koma weicht schon von ihm.

2. So unfassbar es auch ist, aber es weicht tatsächlich.



3. Sicher?

4. Willst du mich nicht nur trösten?

5. Er ist doch so sehr schwer geschädigt.



3. Sei wirklich nicht besorgt.

4. Siehst du … er erwacht.

5. – – Da bist du ja endlich.

6. Du hast uns Sorgen bereitet, mein Freund.



Aahhh, Mann – – – dieser Mist.



7. Siehst du, Semjase, es geht ihm schon wieder recht gut.

8. Er vermag schon wieder zu schimpfen wie ein Rohrspatz.



6. Mein Freund, Billy, was machst du nur?

7. Wie fühlst du dich?



Eh? – – – Ach so, ah, es geht so …



8. Du bist recht böse erkrankt.



Irgendwie geht es aber wieder – – – ich sah mich schon bald in den ewigen Jagdgründen. Au Mann, dieser Schweiss, der ist ekelhaft.



9. Du setzt mich in Erstaunen.

10. Noch lagst du in tiefstem Koma, und schon bist du wieder bei vollem Bewusstsein ohne Übergangsphase.

11. Deine Konstitution deines Willens möchte ich auch besitzen.



Ach so, natürlich, ich bin im Wald ja zusammengeklappt. Es wurde mir ganz plötzlich speiübel, dann sah ich einige Sterne und dann ein lustiges Feuerwerk – vermutlich das sagenhafte Feuer in Holland. Danach ging alles blitzschnell: Alles wurde paradiesisch schön, und dann sank ich in ein lichtes blaues Meer hinein. Dann war ganz einfach nichts mehr. Ich war im Walde unten wohl ohnmächtig geworden, oder?



12. So war es, das ist von Richtigkeit.

13. Du warst aber nicht mehr weit davon entfernt, nicht mehr in dieses Leben zurückzukehren.

14. Mehr als fünf bis sechs Stunden hättest du jedenfalls nicht mehr überstanden.

15. Deine Lungen und dein Brustfell waren entzündet wie ein Flammenmeer.

16. Ausserdem littest du an schwerster Atemnot, durch die Entzündung der Lunge und des Brustfelles.

17. Dahinzu kam noch, dass deine Nerven in sehr bösartigem Aufruhr waren und die Krankheitseffekte noch vervielfachten.

18. Auch dein Herz wurde dadurch in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und arbeitete sehr unregelmässig



So schlimm kann es wohl nicht gewesen sein, denn ich fühle mich wieder recht passabel.



9. Quetzal hat dich mit dem Porter in unser Schiff geholt, dich sehr genau untersucht und durch die Apparaturen hier diagnostiziert.

10. Es gibt also keine Zweifel an seinen Feststellungen.

11. Er war es dann auch, der dich an dieses Regenerationsgerät anschloss, um die gefährlichsten Krankheitseffekte zu eliminieren.

12. Darum fühlst du dich jetzt sehr viel wohler.

13. Dein dir aufgefallener Feuchtigkeitsablass, den du als Schweiss bezeichnest, ruht auch in dieser dir angediehenen Behandlung, und sie wird auch noch weiterhin anhalten, für ungefähr eine Stunde.



Das ist ja prächtig. Habt recht lieben Dank dafür.



19. Du bist noch nicht wieder ganz gesund, das sollst du wissen.

20. Mehr aber darf ich dir an Behandlung nicht angedeihen lassen, weil das für deinen Körper schädliche Folgen zeitigen könnte.

21. Weiter musst du dich daher selbst gesundpflegen oder einen Arzt aufsuchen.

22. Vor allem solltest du in den nächsten Tagen dazu sehen, dass du viel frische und gesunde Luft atmest, viel schläfst und recht viel zu Fuss gehst.



14. Halte dich bitte an Quetzals Ratgebung, denn sie ist von Wichtigkeit für deine Gesundheit.

15. Und künftighin sei bitte mit deiner Gesundheit freundlicher und treibe dich nicht mehr durch Sorgen und Probleme in Krankheit.

16. Das nämlich ist der Hauptgrund, dass dich die Krankheit befallen konnte, denn deine Nerven waren völlig ruiniert, wie Quetzal feststellte.

17. Er fand auch heraus, dass der Grund dafür in den Belangen lag, die du am letzten Sonntag bei unserer Unterhaltung angeführt hast, als wir über die bedauerlichen Zustände in der Gruppe sprachen.

18. Leider vermochten wir diesbezüglich noch keine Lösung zu finden, doch kamen wir bisher soweit, dass wir erkannten, dass du tatsächlich die nervliche Belastung nicht mehr zu tragen vermagst.

19. Es ist die Leitung der Gruppe in allen Belangen für einen Menschen allein doch zuviel und zudem ist alles etwas wie ein Wunder, wie du dazu sagen würdest, dass du das so lange Zeit überhaupt zu tun und durchzuhalten vermochtest.

20. Es war dir einfach zuviel zugemutet worden.

21. Wir verstehen nun auch, dass du in dieser Hinsicht nicht mehr weiterkannst und dass eine Änderung stattfinden muss.

22. Doch wie diese Änderung aussehen soll, das wissen wir noch nicht, denn sie stellt uns wahrheitlich vor ein recht grosses Problem, weil sich in eurer Gruppe niemand findet, der auch nur halbwegs diese schwere Aufgabe übernehmen könnte.



Ihr habt ja einen ganz gewaltigen Gesinnungswandel in euch vollzogen. Ist das auch die Meinung von Ptaah und den andern?



23. Das ist von Richtigkeit.



Aha, wie seid ihr doch vernünftige Menschen.



23. Treibe nur deinen Spott mit uns, wir haben es nämlich redlich verdient.

24. Doch andererseits solltest du in Betracht ziehen, dass wir keine Übermenschen oder Supermenschen sind und auch stetig noch lernen müssen, was wir auch nur vielfach durch begangene Fehler können.

25. Andererseits aber bereiten uns die Erdenmenschen noch immer grosse und teils sehr schwere Probleme in ihrer ganzen Art und Weise zu denken und zu handeln, wodurch wir uns immer wieder irreführen lassen und dadurch zwangsläufig auch Fehlentscheidungen treffen und Fehlansichten haben.



Ich mache euch ja gar keine Vorwürfe, Mädchen. Manchmal treibt es einem eben dazu, sich im Spott zu äussern.



24. Das ist von Richtigkeit, das ist nämlich auch bei uns oft so.



Aha, dann seid ihr also doch irgendwie echte Menschen. Doch sagt mal: Was wollt ihr eigentlich von mir? Umsonst habt ihr mich doch nicht hergeholt, oder?



26. Du hast nach mir gerufen in recht notvoller Art.

27. Deshalb sind wir gekommen, ohne jedoch vorher Nachschau zu halten, warum du mich gerufen hast.

28. Daher haben wir dich so weit weg geführt.

29. Hätten wir durch eine Kontrolle festgestellt, dass du so sehr krankheitlich geschädigt warst, dann hätten wir dich daheim direkt weggeholt mit dem Porter.

30. So aber erkannten wir die Dinge erst, als du im Walde da unten zusammengebrochen bist.

31. Leider waren alle deine Gedanken blockiert, weshalb wir auch diese nicht zu analysieren vermochten.



Ich soll dich gerufen haben? Davon weiss ich aber nichts, mein Kind.



25. Dann muss es eine unbewusste Folge gewesen sein, wohl in einem Delirium.



Das ist wahrscheinlich des Pudels Kern.



32. Du solltest nun aber nicht so viel sprechen, sondern dich wieder nach Hause begeben und dich ausruhen.



Dann lasst mich runter. Jacobus und Elsi sind ja dort unten und warten auf mich. Die beiden bringen mich schon nach Hause.



26. Es ist besser, wenn wir dich dort drüben absetzen, denn wie du siehst, kommen dort zwei Männer die Waldstrasse entlang.

27. Du hast ja dein Sprechgerät bei dir, unterrichte also deine Freunde, dass sie dich dort drüben abholen sollen.



Okay … – – – Miranos 3 – – – Miranos 3.


Miranos 3:

Ja, ich bi da, Miranos 1.



Jacobus, fahr nach Schalche übere und dänn gäge Wila zue.      


Miranos 3:          

Ich ha di nüd rächt verstande. Uf Schalche, und dänn?



Fahr uf Schalche und dänn d’Strass gäge Wila zue.          


Miranos 3:          

Ich ha verstande. Uf Schalche übere. Mer chömed.        



Guet, ich rüef der dänn wider.  



33. Deine Muttersprache ist mir noch immer nicht verständlich.


Billy: Ich verstehe sie manchmal selbst auch nicht. Es gibt ja so viele Dialekte.



28. Wenn ich dich abgesetzt habe, dann halte dich in Bewegung und stehe nicht einfach still am Ort, sonst schläfst du auf der Stelle ein.

29. Ich musste deine Nerven betäuben, so sie jetzt wie schlafend sind und sehr schwerfällig reagieren.



Ach, und wie lange dauert dieser Zustand denn an?



30. Runde 12 bis 14 Tage, denn nur dadurch regenerieren sich die Nerven wieder in kurzer Zeit.



So, und wie hast du diese Betäubung vorgenommen?



31. Durch elektromagnetische Einflüsse.



Sozusagen ein Beschuss?



32. Das ist annähernd von Richtigkeit.

33. Aber sieh, dort fahren schon deine Freunde die Strasse entlang.

34. Sage ihnen, dass sie dort die Strasse links abbiegen und beim Zaun anhalten sollen.



Okay … Guet, Jacobus, fahr grad die Strass da links ine.                


Miranos 3:          

Die rächts da?  



Nei, grad die da links.   


Miranos 3:          

Die links, guet.                



… ja, fahr nu de Wäg hindere. … fahr nu no wiiter hindere … guet, ja, halt grad da bim Haag. … Ja, guet. Ich chumme dänn det häre.

So, Quetzal, jetzt kannst du mich ja runterlassen, die Gegend ist ja … nein, sieh dort, da kommen auch wieder Leute.

Jacobus, ich bi in öppe enere Viertelstund oder zwänzg Minute dete.  


Miranos 3:          

Guet, in enere Viertelstund oder zwänzg Minute.           



34. Ich setze dich ab dort drüben bei der Waldlichtung, in der Nähe des Hauses.



Schon gut. Ich kann dann ja Jacobus per Funk wieder rufen, dann kann er mich dort drüben abholen. So weit laufen mag ich nicht; irgendwie fühle ich mich doch schwach und schlapp.



35. Das wird auch noch einige Tage anhalten.

36. So, jetzt setze ich dich ab.

37. Sei vorsichtig, der Grund dort unten ist etwas feucht, nicht dass du ausgleitest beim Aufsetzen.

38. Auf Wiedersehen, mein Freund, und sei sehr achtsam auf dich.

39. Ich komme morgen oder am Mittwoch abermals, denn bis dahin sollten wir dir eine Ratgebung zuhaben können.

40. Auf Wiedersehen.



Auf Wiedersehen, Quetzal, und recht vielen Dank für deine Mühe und Hilfe. Auch dir, liebes Mädchen, recht vielen Dank, und auf Wiedersehen.



35. Leb wohl, und achte dir sehr.



Tschüss zusammen, und nochmals recht lieben Dank.