
Landing tracks in the Billy Meier UFO case
By Kåre Bergheim
3rd of June 2016
A contact where the extra-terrestrial craft is observed and photographed by witnesses when the landing tracks are made.
UFO landing tracks on different ground conditions– in long grass, on dry ground and on snow and ice surface.
The investigators findings of the landing tracks. What Wendelle Stevens wrote about the landing track photographs.
The explanation given to Meier by Semjase of why the grass in the landing tracks is pressed down in a spiral shaped form.
The explanation given to Meier by Semjase of why the Lyrian craft leaves behind a circular scorched surface.
First a few observations; Going through the German contact notes and the contacts related to when the landing tracks were made, it appears that as a rule the extra-terrestrials saw no need to land their craft on the ground. Instead, when they met Billy Meier for contact, they either kept the craft hovering a few meters above the ground or higher up in the air. This was because different type of technologies allowed them to enter and exit their craft without having to climb a ladder of any sort.
As example of this is contact 59, where the extra-terrestrials arrived in two crafts and where both crafts were hovering in the air when Billy Meier met up with them. It was only upon departure that the two crafts were lowered to the grounds, for then to stand on their landing legs, and which was when the landing tracks were made.
Another example is contact 78, where the craft was hovering 27 meters (88 ft.) up in the air during the entire contact. When the contact ended, the extra-terrestrials simply all of a sudden vanished indicating teleportation technology was used to exit and enter back into the craft which was stationed in the air above. Of other advanced technologies mentioned being utilized during this contact was that the craft activated a shield which made it optical invisible as well as it also activated another larger shield, radiating in a circle bell shaped form around its location, serving as a protective dome to keep intruders out. This was the contact where a laser gun was test fired. The extra-terrestrials involved in this contact came from the Lyra/Vega region of space.
The landing tracks made by the Lyrian craft were deliberately made to create evidence for their existence and not made because they needed to land their craft to step out. The landing tracks made in summer by this craft shows a burnt surface and landing tracks made in winter shows melted ice where the thickness of the ice melted was 12 centimetre (0.4 ft.) and the entire ice surface has been melted through in a circle formation.
The reason the landing tracks made Lyrian craft differ from those made by the Pleiadian crafts is because it used a different type of propulsion. This is explained to Meier by Semjase in contact 63. The Lyrian craft utilises a type of propulsion, built for planetary atmospheric movement, which in close proximity to the ground creates a gas concentrations which ignites and scorches the ground. Hence, as a rule, this type of Lyrian craft does not land but stays hovering in the air during the time its pilots are the ground.
The Pleiadian type ships are standing on three legs when landed. The legs have round circular plates at the contact point to the ground. These plates do not physically rotate something Meier observed. During contact 61 he was told that these circular plates instead, like the entire ship, oscillate in a spiral-shaped anti-gravitational oscillation, which runs counter clockwise from the outside to the centre. The underside of a Pleiadian ship has four such centres, of which three are located in the landing gear, while the fourth is formed in the lower part of the ships centre.
Through the anti-gravitational oscillation, which is much stronger than the gravitational oscillation of the planet itself, a gravitonic change in the plants takes place, so they hold themselves down and counteract the normal gravity of the earth through a very minimal antigravity force, i.e. a counter gravity, so they then simply continue to grow horizontally in their spiral shape.
Because the anti-gravitational oscillation in these cases is not located under the plants but on them, so in other words it presses them down from above and they are pushing away from the force of gravity lying above them, which is why the stalks remain lying.
A contact where the extra-terrestrial craft is observed and photographed by witnesses when landing tracks are made.
Contact 59 is one contact which gives particular good supporting evidence that these landing tracks were indeed made by extra-terrestrial crafts. This contact took place on the 28th of June 1976. That day, on short notice, Meier was summoned for contact with the Pleiadians and Hans Schutzbach wrote that Meier called him only half an hour before departure to the contact site had to take place.
So at 1600 Hans Schutzbach drove to Meiers house in his Citroen 2CV and picked up Meiers wife and their three kids as well as Amata Stetter and started driving towards a remote place outside of Hinwil in Switzerland. Meier drove in front of them with his moped and had already directed them to the location where they had to stop and wait to observe what to come. Meanwhile Meier had continued to another location about 500 meter away.
They did not to wait long because only after half an hour, at 1655, they saw a discus shaped object rise above a forest area. The distance to the object was about 300 meters according to two of the statement and at most 700 meters away according to Hans Schutzbach’s statement.
And this is the exact wording printed in the Zeugenbuch (2001) (The Witness book) of how the witnesses described what the object they saw looked like (My English translation):
Kalliope Meier:
"To my, and everybody else’s, surprise, at a distance of about 300 meter we saw how an unusual, silver-grey, larger object rose above the Pilgerholz forest. In the sunlight shining brightly, it quickly gained altitude and took a westward flight direction. "
German original
“ Zu meiner und aller anderen Überraschung sahen wir, wie in einer Entfernung von etwa 300 metern ein ungewöhnliches, silbergraues, grösseres Objekt über dem Pilgerholz-Wald hochstieg. Im Sonnenlicht hell glänzend, gewann es schnell an Höhe und schlug eine westliche Flugrichtung ein.“
Atlantis Sokrates Meier:
"Slowly rose two large, silver shiny and discus shaped discs up above the trees of the forest of the Oberhöfer Rietes. Slightly larger than Hans Schutzbachs car - a Citroen 2CV – the two beam ships glittered in the sunlight for quickly to speed up and to fly in the direction of Wetzikon (north) ".
German original
“Langsam stiegen zwei Grosse, silverglänzende und diskusförmige Scheiben über die Bäume des Waldes des Oberhöfer Rietes empor. Etwas grosser als Hans Schutzbachs Auto – Ein Citroen 2CV – glitzerten die beiden Strahlschiffe im Sonnenlicht, um alsbald schneller zu werden und Richtung Wetzikon (Norden) zu fliegen.”
Methuselem Meier:
"My then six year old brother Atlantis, as the first, caught sight of a large silver-grey, round object in the cloudless sky which rose up above the forest in only about 300 meter distance."
German original
“Mein damals sechsjähriger Bruder Atlantis erblickte als erster am wolkenlosen Himmel ein grosses silbergraues, rundes Objekt, das in nur etwa 300 meter Entfernung über dem Wald emporstieg.”
Hans Schutzbach:
1655. The children suddenly shout. I then turn around and see in no more than 700 meters distance how an object is climbing up above a forested area. At first, an oversized hot-air balloon comes to mind. However, the shape does not match with that. This is a slightly disc-shaped object. It looks silver-grey and climbs quickly. In doing so it depicts a wide radius towards the left and with that turns away from the ground, thus from N-W in a southern direction. Too bad, no binocular is around, by means of which every detail on this object could be seen.
German original
1655. Die Kinder rufen plötzlich. Da drehe ich mich um und sehe, wie in höchstens 700 Meter Entfernung ein Objekt über einem Waldstück hochgeht. Zuerst denke ich an einen übergrossen Heissluftballon. Jedoch die Form dazu stimmt nicht. Es handelt sich hier um ein leicht diskusförmiges Objekt, ist silbergrau anzusehen und steigt zügig in die Höhe. Dabei beschreibt es einen weiten Radius nach links und wendet sich dabei vom Boden, also aus N-W, in südliche Richtung. Zu dumm, kein Fernglas ist in der Nähe, mittels dem jedes Detail an diesem Objekt gesehen werden könnte.
First of all there is a question mark as to if Atlantis saw one or two object. Because the three others only saw one object and the photo also only shows one object. And looking at the contact notes, Meier is being told that it would be particularly dangerous at day time to show the ships as they would be sighted far and wide, but that they would check out the surroundings and that it would be better if one ship remained invisible (by having a shield activated which would make it optically invisible) while the other ship flew in a visible state, without any shield activated.
But since Atlantis was the first to see the object (or objects), after which he alerted the others, there is the possibility that he saw both crafts – if both crafts in the beginning flew in a visible state and then shortly after one craft activated its shield to became invisible. If that was the case, then, when the others got around looking in that direction, they would only have seen one object in the air, as the other by then would have activated its shield.
But that is only a possibility and leaving this possibility aside, what is clear from the statements is that at least one metallic silver-grey object was observed by all witnesses and that this object was round or slightly disc shaped. And when it comes to shape, the photograph also confirms that the object was slightly disc shaped.
Could it have been a plane? I think not, and none of the four witness statements mention this possibility either. The object was fairly close, only about 300 to 700 meters (985 to 2300 ft.) and the weather was good with clear visibility. If it was a plane, on that distance, they would be able to see enough details on it to determine if it was a plane or not.
Could it be another type of explainable object? Nothing indicate that either. For example Hans Schutzbach wrote that the first thought which came to his mind was; could it be an oversized hot-air balloon?. But he saw that the shape of the object did not match that of a hot-air balloon.
The way the object was moving in the air, how it rose up from the forest, the trajectory, the speed , the time it was visible (about 10 minutes) and how it in the end disappeared in the sky, is also different to the movement associated with a plane or a balloon.
The photograph was not taken when the craft was closest. It had moved away in quite a distance when Hans Schutzbach finally managed to take the photograph printed below. This was because he was very nervous and excited and his hands were shaking, etc. This was brought up by Metusalem Meier when he spoke at the IUFOC 1999 in Laughlin. He stood next to Hans Schutzbach when the photograph was taken. It was also mentioned by Wendelle Stevens in his book Message from the Pleiades vol 3 p. 82 where he wrote:
Hans Schutzbach, in all his modesty, failed to mention in his statement that he had brought his 35mm camera with him that day, and had it in his car. When the Meier children started shouting and calling attention to the rising ship, Hans grabbed his camera out of the car and opening it, tried to set the light adjustment and the shutter speed as quickly as possible. He was nervous and excited and trembling so bad he nearly dropped the camera trying to get it ready. The ship was now rapidly rising and going away and he thought to change the adjustments again, but gave up and shakily aimed his camera at the now rapidly receding object. He snapped that picture and rolled the film for another, but was too late. It was out of sight and gone. He did capture one picture of the tiny dim shape of the ship fading away in the distant haze, but he was so disgusted with his failure that he gave the photo to me when I was interviewing him. I have published it on the following page. Publisher (Wendelle Stevens)” Unquote.
Nevertheless, I see this photograph as being important for two reasons. It confirms that an object was in the air at the given time when the witnesses saw it and it also confirms that the object had a disc shaped form, same as what the witnesses reported.
So what happened next, according to Hans Schutzbach’s statement, was that for about 10 minutes they tensely followed how the objet moved further and further away, up in the air, and in the end it was only visible as a small point high in the sky.
What until then had been a steadily decreasing point, started to move with breakneck speed to the right. And that was also the time when Billy Meier approached them unnoticed, and at the same moment as he appeared, the point in the sky had gone.
So Billy said that that if they were interested, he could lead them to the landing place where the fresh tracks of both the beam ships could be viewed.
So they went down the small panoramic mountain for about 500 meters and there they arrived at a forest in which a narrow stretched out clearing moved along. The ground there was slightly marshy and covered with high reed grass. Carefully, so not to tread down anything, Billy led them to the place he met up with the extra-terrestrials, a male Quetzal and two females, Semjase and her sister Pleja.
Billy now and then pointed to the ground: Footsteps had been trodden in the soft ground and they originated from Pleja. And Schutzbach writes that in regards to the landing tracks, the marks of the landing gear appeared mind-blowing to them. Because, in the half meter high grass, there were six gigantic, pressed down, circles arranged in two triangular groups.
The grass was pressed flat on the ground in a counter clockwise spiral pattern. In the centre of both triangles was a trodden place where the ship’s exit would have been. In fact, out from this trodden place went narrow footprints which lead to the edge of the clearing.
The imprints of Semjase’s beam ship measured each 2 meters in diameter. The distance from each other, measured from centre to centre, amounted to 3.77 meters. Near the exit was the round down trodden spot which measured about 70 centimetres.
When Schutzbach measured the tracks where Quetzals beam ship had stood, he found the tracks were arranged in an equilateral triangle, with a distance of 3.45 meters from centre to centre. He measured the diameter of the flat pressed circles to be exactly 1.82 meters. And also there it was a trodden place in the middle, and narrow footsteps which lead away and joined up with those of Semjase.
So right there, Schutzbach again recognized footsteps in the soft ground and those were clearly male size and quite large, measuring 30 centimetres. No heels were present in the footsteps, but instead a weak cross-ribbed profile. Pleja’s footstep imprint was measured to be 26 centimetres, so female in size.
Schutzbach wrote that they returned back and made recordings with a film camera as well as with photo cameras and he also made a drawing of the tracks as seen below.
Landing tracks of Quetzal's and Semjase's beam ships made during contact 59.
Place: Pfaffenholz - Hinwil
Photo: Hans Schutzbach 28 June 1976.
Landing tracks of Semjase’s beam ship made during Contact 59.
Hans Schutzbach measured the size of this imprint to be 2 meter (6.6 ft.) in diameter.
Place: Pfaffenholz - Hinwil
Photo: Hans Schutzbach 29 June 1976.
Hans Schutzbach to the right standing beside Billy Meier in the middle, at Langriemenholz Hinwil on the 17th of July 1976. Hans Schutzbach is one of the more than two dozen key witnesses in the Meier case and he wrote several detailed witness reports. He was present during day time sightings where he also took a photograph of the object. He was also present at night time sightings where he saw the illuminating object as well as the demonstration which followed where the craft made a light display by burning off static energy. He surveyed and took photographs of many fresh landing tracks made by different types of crafts. He was also present when Meier recorded the sound from Semjases’s beam ship. A sound with such intensity that it could be heard 4 kilometres or 2,5 miles away.
Photo: Guido Moosbrugger 17 July 1976
28th of June 1976. - Contact 59
This is the photograph Hans Schutzbach took during Billy Meier’s 59th contact with Semjase, her sister Pleja and Quetzal on the 28th of June 1976. According to the contact notes, this is Quetsal’s beam ship. When Hans Schutzbach took the photograph, the craft had moved away to some distance wherefore only an oval shaped, tiny object can be seen. Although this photograph does not show much in regards to details, it is still important as it shows an object was present in the air at that time. Thus, it not only supports Schutzbach’s own witness report, but also the reports written by the three other witnesses standing next to him. All of them wrote that they as well saw an oval shaped silvery disc flying up from the forest area where Billy Meier had gone for contact.
Moreover, they also found two set of landing tracks from the two pleiadian beam ships, when they went over to the contact location immediately after. Hans Schutzbach also took several photographs of the landing tracks on the ground and he recorded their measurements. All up four witness reports were written that day. The other three were written by Kalliope Meier, Atlantis Sokrates Meier and Metusalem Meier. The reports are all signed by those who wrote them and they can be found printed, along with the photographs of the object and the photographs of the landing tracks, in Zeugenbuch (2001) (The withness book) and also in the new German hardcover version of the contact notes, Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, block 2 published in 2003.
Place: Pfaffenholz - Hinwil
Photo: Hans Schutzbach 28 June 1976.
Metusalem Meier who was standing next to Hans Schutzbach when he photographed the disc shaped object on the 28 of June 1976. Contact 59.
“…My father was going to a contact and we were staying maybe one kilometre from the contact place away. And maybe half an hour later my brother was saying; oh look over there! – what’s this at the sky! So behind from the woods came silvery shining disc who flies upper and upper….”
Metusalem Meier at the IUFOC 1999 in Laughlin, Nevada speaking under the segment titled ‘Reopening of the Billy Meier case’
Metusalem Meier’s tells how he saw the silvery shining disc on the 28th of June 1976, Contact 59. Starts at 9 minutes 20 seconds.
This is a landing track in long grass and it is from the first beam ship which landed on the grounds of Semjase Silver Star Center. It happened on the 23 April 1977 at 19.34 hrs. The beam ship belonged to Semjase but it was on that day piloted by Menara. Wherefore, this location was later named <Menara-Landing>.
The Pleiadian type ships are standing on three legs when landed. Each of these legs has a flat circular plate at the end. This photo shows the track made by one of the three legs. Meier observed that the circular plates on the landing gear do not physically rotate. During contact 61 he was told that these circular plates instead, like the entire ship, oscillate in a spiral-shaped anti-gravitational oscillation which runs counter clockwise from the outside to the centre. The underside of a Pleiadian ship has four such centres, of which three are located in the landing gear, while the fourth is formed in the lower part of the ships centre.
Through the anti-gravitational oscillation, which is much stronger than the gravitational oscillation of the planet itself, a gravitonic change in the plants takes place, so they hold themselves down and counteract the normal gravity of the earth through a very minimal antigravity force, i.e. a counter gravity, so they then simply continue to grow horizontally in their spiral shape.
Because the anti-gravitational oscillation in these cases is not located under the plants but on them, so in other words it presses them down from above and they are pushing away from the force of gravity lying above them, which is why the stalks remain lying.
Place: Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrüti
Photo: Hans Schutzbach 24 May 1977
Landing tracks made in dry grass by a space craft from the Vega region in the Lyra star constellation. This photo shows Konrad Schutzbach and Billy Meier measuring the tracks. The craft was piloted by Menara. This Lyrian craft utilises a type of propulsion, built for planetary atmospheric movement, which in close proximity to the ground creates a gas concentrations which ignites and scorches the ground.
Place: Ambitzgi – Wetzikon.
Photo: Hans Schutzbach 29 September 1976 at 14.11 hrs.
Landing track made on ice by Menara’s space craft. She only made a short visit that day. The track was made on the 23 November 1977 at 09.05 hours and a surface layer of 12 centimetre of ice was melted. This Lyrian craft utilises a type of propulsion, built for planetary atmospheric movement, which in close proximity to the ground creates a gas concentrations which ignites and scorches the ground. The track occurred during the time Billy Meiers wife walked to Schmidrüti to take a kid to school, which was within a time frame of barely 10 minutes.
Place: On the parking place of Semjase Silverstar Center, Hinterschmidrüti.
Photo: <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier 23 November 1977 at 10.00 hrs.
Landing track made on ice by a Lyrian space craft from the Vega region of space. This track was made on the 21 February 1978 at 03.41 during contact 102. The craft was piloted by Menara. A surface layer of 10 centimetre of ice has been melted. The Lyrian craft utilises a type of propulsion, built for planetary atmospheric movement, which in close proximity to the ground creates a gas concentrations which ignites and scorches the ground.
Place: On the parking place of Semjase Silverstar Center, Hinterschmidrüti.
Photo: Billy Meier 21 February 1978 at 09.38 hrs.
This is one out of a series of three photographs Billy Meier took on the 21 February 1978 at 08.50. It is taken about 5 hours after the above landing track was made by the Lyrian craft. It shows an unknown flying object. It moved towards the right over the woods and then headed back to its original position whereupon it disappeared. On the tractor in the foreground is Jacobus Bertschinger. On the hanger is Rolf Wächter.
Place: Semjase Silver Star Center, Hinterschmidruti.
Photo <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier 21 February 1978 at 0850 h
I have not seen any photographs of the Lyrian Ship other than this sketch printed in Wendelle Stevens books. In Message of the Pleiades volume 3 p.189 the below sketch of Menara’s ship appears where Wendelle writes it is drawn for him by Eduard Meier after he had had several contacts involving this vehicle. It hovered on a coherent beam of intense white light which seared available ground vegetation if it came too close to it. The vertical vanes in the rim were always in motion. In contact 63 Semjase explained to Meier that the Lyrian craft utilises a type of propulsion, built for planetary atmospheric movement, which in close proximity to the ground creates a gas concentrations which ignites and scorches the ground. Hence, as a rule, this type of Lyrian craft does not land but stays hovering in the air.
In contact 78, the same contact as the laser gun was demonstrated, Meier asked Menara, the pilot of this craft, why his dogs and hens did not bark and did not go crazy which they normally do when a Pleiadian beam ship comes close. She told him that the craft she presently had in her possession was not a beam ship, but a flight vehicle with compressor aggregate which can fly through the compression and the highly compressed ejection of atmospheric gases. Thus, this Lyrian ship does not emit the rays and oscillations that a beam ship does, which is what stirs the animals. Its propulsion is built to fly within the atmosphere of a planet, not in space. Which indicate this craft was dispatched from a larger unit or from an underground base. This ship can also be shielded against optical detection, which it was that day, and Meier was also told they have known the shielding technology for 42 983 years (counting from 1977).
On one occasion, on the 6th of July 1977 during Contact 78, Billy Meier got the opportunity to take a series of photographs of one of the pilots of the Lyrian craft. No landing tracks were made by the craft that day because it was floating 27 meters (89 ft.) up in the air during the entire contact while its pilots were on the ground. The purpose of this contact was to test a laser gun.
So the photo below is one of more than 10 photographs Billy took that day. The name of the woman is Alena and she and her people belong to the Pleiadian(Plejaran) federation. The condition on which Billy was allowed to take the photographs was that only a small part of her face could be visible so that she would not be recognized. Main reason given for that was that at times she mingled with us in our villages and cities. Thus it would pose a security risk for her to have her face displayed on a photo as she could then be recognized.
Other information about her is that she comes from the planet called SATER which is about 33 pct smaller than Earth. The planet is 157,3 million kilometres away from its central sun in the Lyra star constellation, but in another space-time configuration. She is 148 centimetres tall.
Another extra-terrestrial woman was also present that day. Her name was Menara. She came from the Vega region of the Lyra star constellation and the craft belonged to her. No photos of her were taken.
I think the question everybody would ask is what evidence is there to support that this photograph shows an extra-terrestrial human?
For a starter, since the topic of this article is landing tracks, it is worth considering that Hans Schutzbach the year before, on the 28th of June 1976 during contact 59, observed a disc shaped silver grey metallic object rising up from the woods where Billy Meier had gone for contact. A group of people standing next to him saw the same. He then took a photograph of the disc shaped object and later went to the landing site where he not only found two sets of landing tracks, made in a triangle shape pattern by the two Pleiadian beam ships, but he also found both male and female sized footsteps leading out from the centre of the landing tracks.
Wendelle Stevens wrote in Messages from the Pleiades vol 4 (1995) that he and his investigation team tried to search for a gold nylar jacket that might look like the one Alena is wearing in the picture with her arm holding the gun. They looked in all the clothing stores, all the sporting goods stores, and checked even the uniform supply stores for such a jacket. They never found anything like it. Same with the gun, they never found anything which looked similar to the gun in the photo.
Worth considering is also the evidence which was produced that day, namely the testing of the laser gun they brought with them. With it they shot a hole in the trunk of a tree which left burn marks. The thickness of this hole , through the trunk of the tree, was 24,2 centimetres (9.5 inches).
This is the photo of Alena with Menara’s laser pistol in front of Billy’s office.
Place: Semjase Silver Star Center, Hinterschmidrüti.
Photo: <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier 6 July 1977, 15.42 o’clock.
6 July 1977, 15:20, Hinterschmidruti, Switzerland. This is an enlarged photograph of the hole in the apple tree showing the detail of the seared area versus the charred area. Note that the hole is slightly oval in shape, and not exactly round as it would be if bored with a tool.
Photo from Message from the Pleiades vol.4 (1995) authored by Wendelle Stevens.
“That tree was a good 10” to 12” inches in diameter, and the wood was green and full of sap. How would a man with one arm bore such a hole? An auger bit would have been impossible because it would surely bind in a hole that long in a living tree. How would Meier hold it? How would he turn it? Where would he get an auger bit 12” long by 1” in diameter, a non-standard size that would have to be special ordered and made up by a tool maker? This would leave tracks that could be later traced. And the hole in the tree had to be made in 20 minutes or less and all equipment removed and hidden, never to be discovered again in that short time available.
Jacobus came on the scene with Meier crouched at the tree examining the still smoking hole that had been burned cleanly through the center of the big tree trunk. The charring was superficial but clear through the tree and out the other side. Then the hole in the tree, which a man could insert his thumb into, was not completely round inside, but somewhat oval in some places, like the hole made by pouring hot water into a snowbank. And the charring through light and penetrating into the wood no more than 1/4“ of an inch or less, was uniform throughout, including the front entrance and the rear exit from the trunk. And the dark soil behind the tree, in line-of-sight through the hole, was still smoking and fused. I am not taking anybody else’s word for this because I was there a short time later and personally examined all for myself.”
Wendelle Stevens, from Message from the Pleiades vol. 4 (1995) p. 102
From left to right; Lee Eelders, Wendelle Stevens, Billy Meier and Tom Welch.
Billy Meier took the investigator team to different contact sites so they could study all the evidence with also included landing tracks. Stevens wrote that these tracks could be easily seen and found seasons later, even up to 3 years later and that they all searched for devices that could make such tracks for years without success. After 5 years of investigation Stevens still had no idea how such tracks could be made.
Photo from the book Light years (1987)
The investigators findings regarding the landing tracks. Some of what Wendelle Stevens wrote about the photographs of the landing tracks;
Below is some of what Wendelle Stevens wrote in the first book he published titled UFO contact from the Pleiades. A preliminary investigation report 1978/1982 p363 Quote:
Photographs of Landing Tracks
A selection of surface disturbances resulting from the landing of Pleiadian spacecraft has been photographed by Eduard Meier and some of his friends, including Hans Schutzbach and Jacob Bertschinger. The smaller spacecraft 3,5 and 5 meters diameter have 3 hemispherical structures spaced 120 degrees apart on their underside. When landed they do not rest heavily on these round protrusions but they do leave the grass and vegetation swirled down in a counter-clockwise direction. The swirled-down grass does not rise again but new grass does grow up in the swirled-down area. The new grass does not grow the same as the surrounding grass though. It is less lush and does not grow as tall or dense, leaving traces that are visible seasons later.
The 7 meter ship lands on tripod legs that are extended from the lower surface of the craft. These legs have circular dish-shaped shoes that also leave a round swirled-down pattern in the grass.
The next larger craft touches down on tripod legs with rectangular metallic shoes. It leaves an imprint in soft ground but does not seem to affect the foliage surrounding the print. Craft larger than this do not land on mechanical structures.
Another type of space ships, from another source, cooperating with the Pleiadians, lands on a coherent beam of white light that leaves a seared circle on the ground. The ground material does not ignite into flame.
A selection from scores of landing trace photographs is shown here for inspection. ( A series of 24 photographs is here printed by Wendelle Stevens where he has added his own comment to the photographs. Below is one of the comments he made related to landing tracks made by the frequently referred to pleiadian 7 meter type craft )
These tracks always appear in threes as they are made simultaneously by the three landing vortices, The individual tracks are quite large, being about 2 meters in diameter by nearly 3 meters apart. The outside circumference inclosing all three tracks is about 7 meters, the diameter of the 3-man ship most frequently used for surface reconnaissance.
The grass is observed to be swirled down from the outside to center in a counter clockwise pattern, and is not broken off or crushed down except for larger stalks. The swirled down vegetation does not grow back up again, but continues to grow along the ground horizontally as though it had forgotten which way is up. New vegetation growing up in the landing track grows vertically however and does not seem to be affected.
Lapsed time photographs were made of a number of these landing tracks to show their subsequent development. No discoloration of the vegetation in the tracks was noted, however it continued to grow horizontally, even in subsequent seasons, for the harder species. The close packed horizontal stalks produced some stunting of growth of new shoots in the track itself, but immediately outside of the track the grass seemed to grow taller and more healthy.
These tracks could be easily seen and found seasons later, even up to 3 years later. We have all searched for devices that could make such tracks for years without success. At this point 5 years later I have no idea how such tracks could be made. The interest of the Swiss Government is evidenced by their having been observed rakeing over a contact site and digging up and carrying away part of the landing track. Several of the actual landing track sites were seen marked on a government map used by one of the teams digging up a site.
During the 60th Contact (the number of this contact was later changed to 61) on 29 July 1976, at 00:43, contact notes page 1166, Eduard Meier observed that the prints of the touchdown pads on Semjase’s and Quetzel’s ships in the grass showed the standing matter “Pressed down in spiral form counter-clockwise to the inside of the center (of the circle)”.
Meier could not understand this because he did not see the touchdown pads on the landing gear turn at any time, and he could not see how the swirl could be made from the rims toward the centers of each of the marks.
Semjase answered him explaining that, “The round areas of the touchdown supports (landing gear) vibrate, like the whole ship, in a spiral shaped antigrav-oscillation, which as you realized correctly, forms itself counter-clockwise from outside towards the center”.
Semjase explained that the bottom of the ship has 4 such vortice centers, three at the landing pads and a fourth in the center of the ship’s bottom.
Meier then wondered how it was that the grass and bushes do not rise again after some time, but grow unaltered in the spiral-shaped run along the ground. The new grass and bushes simply grow up through the spiral-shaped pressed down stalks and blades.
Semjase explained that, “The antigrav-oscillation of the ship, which is much stronger than the gravitation-oscillation of the planet, overcomes the natural one and causes a graviton-shift in the plant-form which holds it down, against the normal gravity of the earth, as a consequence of which the plant further grows horizontally in their spiral form.
The plants are otherwise unhurt by being bent over. Nothing mashed them down and broke the plant stalks off. The antigrav oscillation is not below the plants but on them, as a result of which they press themselves down from above and the outside and repulse themselves at the ground-laying gravitational force, for which reason they remain laying down and continue to grow.”
Circular swirled-down patterns in meadow grass very similar to those made by the Pleiadian craft in Switzerland were left in Saskatchewan, Canada by 5 stainless steel looking circular disc-shaped objects with domes on top. These objects were observed in the act of making the landing marks by at least one witness according to published reports.”
UFO contact from the PLEIADES, A preliminary investigation report, was the first book about the Meier case which came out and it was published by the lead investigator Wendelle Stevens. First print edition came out in 1978. In this book Stevens published 24 photographs of different landing tracks from this case with comments.
The explanation given to Meier by Semjase of why the grass in the landing tracks is pressed down in a spiral shape form.
This is an excerpt from contact 61
With reference to Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 2 Contact 61 Wednesday, 29. July 1976, 00.43 o’clock.
Part quote p.311. My English translation of the German original beneath:
Good. On several occasions we have already noticed that at the impressions of the landing gears of yours and Quetzals ship the grass and brush etc. is pressed down counter-clockwise spirally inwards to the centre. That is incomprehensible to us because, as I have seen, the plates of the landing gear do not rotate.
148. That is very simple:
149. The circular planes of the landing gear, like the entire ship, oscillate in a spiral-shaped anti-gravitational oscillation as you have correctly observed which is formed counter to the run of a clock hand, from the outside to the centre.
150. The underside of the ship has four such centres, of which three are located in the landing gear, while the fourth is formed in the lower part of the ships centre.
Aha, that sounds quite plausible. But then, how come that the grass or shrubs does not rise up again after some time, but grows unchanged for weeks in its spiral-shaped path along the ground? After all, we have tracks which are over four weeks old and which have not in the slightest changed. The new grass and bushes etc. simply grows up again between the spiral shaped down bended stalks.
151. Also that is very easy to explain:
152. Through the anti-gravitational oscillation, which is much stronger than the gravitational oscillation of the planet itself, a gravitonic change in the plant based life forms takes place, so they hold themselves down and counteract the normal gravity of the earth through a very minimal antigravity force, that is to say a counter gravity, so they then simply continue to grow horizontally in their spiral shape, because after all the plant forms are not damaged by way of being broken off.
Now, that I really do not understand, because according to what you are saying, the plants would then after all push themselves away from the ground and certainly not press themselves down on it.
153. You think very illogical, but after all you have no knowledge about it:
154. The anti-gravitational oscillation in these cases is not located under the plants but on them, so in other words it presses them down from above and they are pushing away from the force of gravity lying above them, which is why the stalks remain lying.
155. Of course, the gravitational force of the earth itself, which affect its pull, still plays an important role in this.
Still, I do not understand this stuff; it simply goes beyond my understanding.
Do not become upset, because even Earth scientists are not yet able to understand these things.
That’s a relief, then I am perhaps not at all that stupid.
German original
Unter Bezugnahme auf Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 2 Einundsechzigster Kontakt Donnerstag, 29. Juli 1976, 00.43 Uhr
Teil Zitat s.311
Billy – Gut. Verschiedentlich haben wir schon festgestellt, dass bei den Abdrücken der Landestützen deines und Quetzals Schiffes das Gras und Gestrüpp usw. entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn spiralförmig nach innen zum Zentrum niedergedrückt ist. Das ist uns nicht verständlich, denn wie ich gesehen habe, drehen sich die Teller der Landestützen nicht.
148. Das ist sehr einfach:
149. Die runden flachen der Landestützen schwingen, wie das ganze Schiff, in einer spiralförmigen Antigravschwingung, die, wie du richtig beobachtet hast, entgegen eines Uhrzeigerlaufes sich von aussen nach dem Zentrum bildet.
150. Die Schiffsunterseite hat vier solche Zentren, wobei drei sich in den Landestützen befinden, während die vierte das Schiffzentrum im unteren Teil bildet.
Aha, das klingt recht einleuchtend. Wie kommt es nun aber, dass das Gras oder Gestrüpp nicht wieder aufsteht nach einiger Zeit sondern unverändert über Wochen hinweg in seiner spiralförmigen Bahn dem Boden entlang wächst? Wir haben ja jetzt Spuren, die über vier Wochen alt sind und die sich nicht im mindesten verändert haben. Das neue Gras und Gestrüpp usw. wächst ganz einfach zwischen den spiralförmig niedergeschwungenen Halmen wieder empor.
151. Auch das ist sehr einfach zu erklären:
152. Durch die Antigrav-Schwingung, die sehr viel starker ist als die Gravitationsschwingung des Planeten selbst, erfolgt eine Gravitonenveränderung in den pflanzlichen Lebensformen, so sie sich durch eine sehr minimale Antigravitationskraft, also eine Gegengravitation, selbst niedergehalten und der normalen Gravitation der Erde entgegenwirken, so sie dann eben in ihrer Spiralform liegend weiterwachsen, denn die Pflanzenformen werden ja nicht durch ein Abbrechen beschädigt.
Das verstehen ich nun wirklich nicht, denn deiner Rede nach müssten die Pflanzen dann doch sich von der Erde abstossen und sich nicht erst recht auf diese niederdrücken.
153. Du denkst sehr unlogisch, doch aber hast du ja keine Kenntnisse darüber:
154. Die Antigravschwingung liegt in diesen Fällen nicht unter den Pflanzen, sondern auf ihnen, so sie diese also von oben her niederdrückt und sich an der über ihnen liegenden Gravitationskraft abstösst, weshalb die Halme liegenbleiben.
155. Natürlich spielt dabei noch die Gravitationskraft der Erde selbst eine wichtige Rolle, die ihre Anziehung wirksam macht.
Ich verstehen das Zeugs trotzdem nicht, es geht einfach über meinen Verstand.
Errege dich nicht, den selbst die irdischen Wissenschaftler vermögen diese Dinge noch nicht zu erfassen.
Das ist beruhigend, dann bin ich vielleicht gar nicht so doof.
The explanation given to Meier by Semjase of why the Lyrian craft leaves behind a circular scorched surface.
This is an excerpt from contact 63.
With reference to Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 2 Contact 63 Wednesday, 22. September 1976, 16.11 o’clock.
Part quote, from the beginning of the contact p.332. My English translation:
You have kept me waiting unusually long before you have turned up again. It has been 1 ½ months.
1. It's your fault, because you have overexploited your energy too much.
2. So you have been stricken by a very severe weakness as well as fever attacks and severe pain, whereby you have been forced to take to your bed.
3. That is why I did not come earlier.
4. Though, I have been telling you several times that we would take over the control ourselves if you do not finally abide by certain rules and no longer look after yourself.
Okay, you have just given me a wipe. I'll remember that.
5. It has been for your benefit and so it will also continue to be.
6. But nevertheless be happy, because in a short time, at night, you will be able to make your film.
At least a comfort. Can Menara then come as well? Maybe she can also one day leave tracks behind?
7. She will come one day for sure, but with the tracks it really would be somewhat more difficult.
8. For planetary flights, her ship has namely a propulsion system which at low proximity to the earth generates gas concentrations which ignite and scorches the ground.
9. Therefore, as a rule, she does not set her ship down, but let it hover.
But that especially would be very interesting for us, for photographs, you know.
10. Do you think?
11. Perhaps it can be arranged; but everything would be burnt within a radius of several meter.
Well, the grass will grow back again.
12. Sure; I will talk to Menara.
If she at least just comes quickly in order to just burn the tracks in the ground. But how about if you were to lend me your ray gun?
13. You are very illogical.
No no; I just would like to hold it once for only a few minutes in front of my film camera and then perhaps to also fell a small tree.
14. I will consider it; perhaps it can be arranged in such a way.
That would be great. You know, it would be of tremendous fun if one could see in the film that I have such a thing in my hands, aiming it at a small tree, and without that one can see anything, the tree simply falls down.
15. For the ignorant it would certainly be exciting.
16. I'll really think it over; it might actually be amusing fun.
Good, thank you.
German original
Unter Bezugnahme auf Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 2 Dreiundsechzigster Kontakt Mittwoch, 22. September 1976, 16.11 Uhr
Teil Zitat am Anfang des Kontaktes s.332
Du hast mich aussergewöhnlich lange warten lassen, ehe du dich wieder hast blicken lassen. Es dauerte 1 ½ Monate.
1. Es ist deine Schuld, denn du hast zu sehr mit deinen Kräften Raubbau getrieben.
2. So bist du von einer sehr üblen Kraftlosigkeit sowie Fieberanfällen und schweren Schmerzen befallen worden, wodurch du aufs Lager geworfen wurdest.
3. Daher kam ich nicht früher.
4. Ich erkläre dir doch mehrmals, dass wir selbst die Kontrolle übernehmen würden, wenn du dich nicht endlich an gewisse Regeln hältst und dich nicht mehr schonst.
Okay, dann hast du mir eben eins ausgewischt. Ich merke mir das.
5. Es ist zu deinem Nutzen gewesen und so wird es auch weiterhin sein.
6. Freue dich aber trotzdem, denn in kurzer Zeit werdet ihr des Nachts eure Filme Machen können.
Wenigsten ein Trost. Kann dann auch Menara kommen ? Vielleicht kann auch sie einmal Spuren hinterlassen?
7. Sicher wird sie einmal kommen, doch mit den Spuren dürfte es schon etwas schwieriger sein.
8. Für planetare Flüge besitzt ihr Schiff nämlich einen Antrieb, der in geringer Erdnähe Gasballungen erzeugt, die sich entzünden und den Boden versengen.
9. Daher setzt sie in der Regel ihr Schiff nicht ab, sondern lässt es schweben.
Das wäre aber gerade für uns sehr interesssant, für Photos, weisst du.
10. Denkst du?
11. Vielleicht lässt es sich einrichten; es würde aber mehrere Meter im Umkreis alles verbrannt.
Das Gras wächst ja wieder nach.
12. Sicher; ich will mit Menara sprechen.
Wenn sie wenigstens nur schnell mal kommt, um eben die Spuren in den Boden zu Brennen. Wie wäre es aber, wenn du mir mal deine Strahlenpistole leihen würdest?
13. Du bist sehr unlogisch.
Denkste; ich möchte sie nur für wenige Minuten, um sie einmal vor meine Filmkamera zu halten und vielleicht dann auch noch, um einen kleinen Baum zu fällen.
14. Ich werde mir das überlegen, es lässt sich vielleicht so einrichten.
Das wäre toll. Weisst du, es wäre ein gigantischer Spass, wenn man im Film sehen könnte, dass ich so ein Ding in den Händen habe, auf einen kleinen Baum ziele, und ohne dass man was sieht, fällt der Baum einfach um.
15. Für Unwissende dürfte es sicherlich erregend sein.
16. Ich werde es mir wirklich überlegen; es dürfte tatsächlich ein lustiger Spass sein.
Gut, danke.
Ende des Zitates